Lector and Eucharistic Minister Handout (a short summary of basic responsibilites)
Lector Workshop - Portait (a more detailed handout in a normal printing format)
Lector Workshop - Booklet (a more detailed handout in booklet form, for back-to-back printing)
Outline Training Guide (short, two-page summary)
Detailed Training Guide (bigger images, best for viewing on computer)
Detailed Training Guide (fewer pages, best for printing)
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 1: Explains the basic responsibilities of altar servers
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 2: Explains parts of the church and parts of the Mass
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 3: Explains where things are in the Sacristy (North Wall)
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 4: Explains where things are in the Sacristy (the rest)
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 5: Explains server and acolyte actions during the Mass (A)
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 6: Explains server and acolyte actions during the Mass (B)
Video: Altar Server Training - Part 7: Explains server and acolyte actions during the Mass (C)